What exactly is Mold Remediation?

Mold can be found naturally just about everywhere both indoors and outdoors. Professionals in the field know how to remediate the mold in homes or businesses. Mold remediation is focused primarily on getting mold levels back to a normal level.

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What is the mold remediation process?

Step 1: Evaluation

Certified technicians and/or project managers will evaluate the best course of action using industry standards such as the I.I.C.R.C. S520, New York City Guidelines and E.P.A. Guidelines.

Step 2: Establish a Plan of Action

After the evaluation, RCS will prepare a plan of action, including an action timeline with an expected start and end date.

Step 3: Containment Set-Up

Upon your approval of the Plan of Action, RCS will set up the necessary controls to safeguard against cross contamination (the spreading of mold to other areas). These controls include setting up containments (plastic rooms) and air filtration devices/negative air machines (air scrubbers).

Step 4: Technician Protection

Technicians will prepare for work with the proper P.P.E. (Personal Protective Equipment) such as respirators, tyvek suits and other items.

Step 5: Mold Removal Rough Clean

Technicians will enter the containment and remove and bag the building materials that can be removed. Building materials that cannot be removed (i.e.: concrete, wood, steel framing, piping and metal straps) will be sanded, hepa vacuumed and wiped down.

Step 6: Mold Removal Fine Clean

Technicians will do a second, more careful wipe down of all the areas previously addressed and the entire inside of the containment. This prepares the area for testing by RCS.

Step 7: Settling Period

Twelve to twenty-four hours is required for the air filtration devices to capture dust and mold spores that were disturbed and dispersed during the removal of building materials.

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